GIL - Gammon India Ltd
GIL stands for Gammon India Ltd
Here you will find, what does GIL stand for in Construction under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Gammon India Ltd? Gammon India Ltd can be abbreviated as GIL What does GIL stand for? GIL stands for Gammon India Ltd. What does Gammon India Ltd mean?The India based company is located in Bombay, Maharashtra engaged in construction industry.
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Alternative definitions of GIL
- Gilgit airport
- Gildan Activewear, Inc.
- Granules India Limited
- Gabriel India Limited
- Graphite India Ltd.
- Gamut Infosystems Limited
- Garg Inox Ltd
View 77 other definitions of GIL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- GNS Government of Nova Scotia
- GPLCUKL GPL Consulting UK Ltd
- GSU Georgia State University
- GEP Governo Do Estado Do Paraná
- GLSNA Gerdau Long Steel North America
- GEPC GE Power Conversion
- GCC Glasgow City Council
- GE&CSAOG Galfar Engineering & Contracting SAOG
- GDT&AE Georgia Department of Technical & Adult Education
- GPGH Glaxosmithkline Pharma GmbH
- GDLS General Dynamics Land Systems
- GGP General Growth Properties
- GTRI Georgia Tech Research Institute
- GDF Good Deed Foundation
- GPSC GP Strategies Corporation
- GN&M Guardian News & Media
- GVR Gilbarco Veeder Root
- GEEC GE Energy Connections
- GNL Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
- GNI Grupo Notredame Intermédica